Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Warner of the month - Sol

Introducing August’s Warmer of the Month: Sol. Drink in the sun’s rays with Sol, a bright, hand-painted beauty in the sunniest shade of goldenrod, highlighted by hints of chalky white. Delicate, climbing tendrils accent a giant, embossed sunflower in full bloom, as large vent holes emit pronounced beams of light—homage to an endless summer sky!

To order - go to Shawnas Candles.

August Scent of the Month - Just Breath

To order - go to Shawnas Candles, it will be 10% off for whole month of August including wax, room spray and car scent!


Scentsy Fundraising made easy

Scentsy is an authentic wickless candle that is soot-free, smokeless, flameless and most importantly, safe! Regular candles are banned from classrooms, offices and public buildings. A small light bulb in the center of a Scentsy warmer is all that is needed to deliver wonderful fragrances. Where a candle cannot go, Scentsy can. Discover how fun, easy and profitable a Scentsy fundraiser can be.
Scentsy products are simple, beautiful and safe alternatives to candles. Customers may choose from unique warmers, plus a collection of fragrant scentsy bars, car candles, and room sprays.

Different Types of Fundraisers

Fairs and Special Events - A Scentsy fundraiser can be offered during a fair or special event by simply setting up a table with some catalogs and order forms. You just take orders from participants and at the end of the fair I will collect the order forms and get the products ordered for you.

Traditional - The most popular form of fundraiser is the community fundraiser where members of your organization go out into the community and collect orders from family, friends, and neighbors. With this type of Scentsy Fundraiser you will be provided with a sheet that will have multiple categories allowing you to write down the names of 100 people to first speak with.  This allows participants to not have to door to door unless they chose to do so. After approximately 2 weeks of gathering orders. We will provide all the materials needed such as, Scentsy fundraiser fliers, order forms, contact list sheet, envelopes, scent samples,and instructions.
The New Scentsy Hanging Freshener Fundraiser!!!
  • Receive 40% from your sales of each hanging freshener case. (40% only guaranteed on hanging freshener fundraisers)
  • A Case of 24 are to be sold at $3 per hanging freshener.  
  • That total is $72 per case.
  • The fee to be paid back for the case is $42!
  • You clear $30 for every case sold!!! 
  • You do not have to charge tax!!!

 In ALL types of fundraisers, either myself or another Scentsy Consultant will be available to help answer any questions or handle any items that may arise. We will make sure that your fundraiser goes smooth and that the impact on you is extremely minimal.

What Will Your Organization Receive?
 You will receive up to 30% profit from all the products sold(before tax is added).